Atom React Plugin

React support for the Atom Editor.

$ apm install react


Syntax Highlighting

Syntax highlighting improves readability of your JSX code. Tokenization of the JSX elements also provides the basis for JSX tag or attribute specific functionality.


Automatic indentation helps you to keep your code indentation in order.

Code Folding

Code folding helps you to hide blocks of JSX code that you are not currently working on. Editor also highlights the start and the end of the fold so you can easily see where the closing or opening element of your block resides.


Snippets include commonly used React specific boilerplate.

JSX Reformatting

JSX Reformatting enables you to refactor JSX code blocks for easier readability and indentation. Feature can be used from the command palette, edit menu or from the context menu.

HTML to JSX conversion

HTML to JSX conversion helps you to port your old HTML markup to JSX. This feature also comes handy when you copy & pasting code from for example the Bootstrap documentation. Feature can be used from the command palette, edit menu or from the context menu.


Autocomplete helps you to type default React tags and attributes faster.

Automatic closing tag

New in 0.11
Closing tags are automatically inserted.


Snippet Prefix Body
React: componentDidMount: fn() { ... } cdm
componentDidMount: function() {
React: componentDidUpdate: fn(pp, ps) { ... } cdup
componentDidUpdate: function(prevPropsprevState) {
React: componentWillMount: fn() { ... } cwm
componentWillMount: function() {
React: componentWillReceiveProps: fn(np) { ... } cwr
componentWillReceiveProps: function(nextProps) {
React: componentWillUnmount: fn() { ... } cwun
componentWillUnmount: function() {
React: componentWillUpdate: fn(np, ns) { ... } cwu
componentWillUpdate: function(nextPropsnextState) {
React: cx({ ... }) cx
  $1: $2
React: forceUpdate(...) fup
React: getDefaultProps: fn() { return {...} } gdp
getDefaultProps: function() {
  return {
React: getInitialState: fn() { return {...} } gis
getInitialState: function() {
  return {
    ${1}: ${2}
React: isMounted() ism
React: propTypes { ... } pt
propTypes: {
  ${1}: React.PropTypes.${2:string}
React: component skeleton rcc6
import React from 'react'
const $1 = React.createClass({
  render () {
    return (
export default ${1}
React: render: fn() { return ... } ren
render: function() {
  return (
    ${1:<div />}
React: setState({ ... }) sst6
  ${1}: ${2}
React: shouldComponentUpdate: fn(np, ns) { ... } scu
shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextPropsnextState) {
React: this.props. props
React: this.state. state
React: render(component, container, [callback]) rrc
React.render(${1:<$2 />}, ${3:document.body}${4:, ${5:callback}});
React: componentDidMount() { ... } cdm6
componentDidMount() {
React: componentDidUpdate(pp, ps) { ... } cdup6
componentDidUpdate(prevPropsprevState) {
React: componentWillMount() { ... } cwm6
componentWillMount() {
React: componentWillReceiveProps(np) { ... } cwr6
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
React: componentWillUnmount() { ... } cwun6
componentWillUnmount: function() {
React: componentWillUpdate(np, ns) { ... } cwu6
componentWillUpdate: function(nextPropsnextState) {
React: static defaultProps = { ... } dp
static defaultProps = {
React: this.state = { ... } is
this.state = {
  ${1}: ${2}
React: static propTypes = { ... } pt6
static propTypes = {
  ${1}: React.PropTypes.${2:string}
React: class skeleton rcd
import React from 'react'
class $1 extends React.Component {
  render () {
export default ${1};
React: render() { return ... } ren6
render() {
  return (
    ${1:<div />}
React: shouldComponentUpdate(np, ns) { ... } scu6
shouldComponentUpdate(nextPropsnextState) {
React: const { props: { ... } } = this props6
const { props: { ${1} } } = this